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来源:学大教育     时间:2015-12-04 17:24:02


The big day will be on a great man,will be suffering of their mind,workers of their bones,their body skin hunger,depletion.This sentence has been validated in many famous successful experience.

Beethoven was born in December 16,1770 in Bonn,poverty at home and show music talent in him by his father as " roll Qian Shu ".

Beethoven's father often take the children out to the keyboard made him hard to practice for hours,when playing the wrong time to hit him in the face.The neighbors often heard the child due to fatigue and pain to cry to sleep.This is Beethoven's childhood.

Youth Beethoven did not escape the fate,from the beginning of 1796,Beethoven found himself hearing loss,for a young pianist and musician enormously proud of one's success,it would mean the end of the world.But Beethoven fought tenaciously and uttered the transmitted through the ages saying:" I will take fate by the throat,it will not bend me."

" Destiny symphony " this win universal praise,ambitious vision tune,is entirely in the case of deaf Beethoven completed.At last he become the world's greatest musician.Many of his works are widespread.

This is Beethoven,he with his fighting spirit,the spirit of perseverance,die rather than submit created a song and a good work.

The famous French writer Romain Rolland once in a segment of words to describe a person:" physical distress is no better.He be plagued by poverty and ill health,be isolated and helpless -- but he was a challenger,humans mediocre Victor,he is suffering a defeat." Yes,writers of the " he " refers to the great musician -- Beethoven.







著名法国作家罗曼 罗兰曾经用这样一段话形容一个人:“物质生活的窘迫毫无改观.他贫病交加,孤立无援——但他是个挑战者,人类平庸的战胜者,他是痛苦的战胜者.”是的,作家中的“他”就是指伟大的音乐家——贝多芬.


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